Richard Pryor | George Carlin | Eddie Murphy*
Live in Concert / Richard Pryor (1979)
Richard Pryor's classic 1979 concert film has him discussing a wide range of topics, including race, the police and his favorite target -- himself.
Life is Worth Losing / George Carlin (2005)
The 18th album and thirteenth HBO special by American comedian George Carlin. It was recorded simultaneously with the live broadcast of the HBO special of the same title, his 13th HBO stand-up comedy special, and was his final special recorded from the Beacon Theater. The set was designed to resemble a snow-coated graveyard. It is the first project Carlin had undertaken since completing drug rehabilitation in 2005.
*if we have time, we’ll also watch the Eddie Murphy Special below
Delirious / Eddie Murphy (1983)
Delirious is an American stand-up comedy television special directed by Bruce Gowers, written by and starring Eddie Murphy. The stand-up set became a TV Special for HBO on August 17, 1983.