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Stand-Up Specials: The New Crowd

Dave Chapelle | Donald Glover | Bo Burham

For What It’s Worth / Dave Chapelle (2004)

2004's For What It's Worth was Chappelle's second official stand-up, the long-awaited follow-up to his 2000 special with HBO. This full-length special aired on Showtime and was performed in front of a huge crowd at The Fillmore in San Francisco, during his TV show's run.

Weirdo / Donald Glover (2012)

Fearlessly funny stand-up comic and sitcom star Donald Glover puts on a live show in New York, confessing his love for Cocoa Puffs and Toys "R" Us.

Words, Words, Words / Bo Burnham (2010)

Words, Words, Words marks Burnham's first hour-long special. The comic takes the stage at Boston's House of Blues on May 21, 2010, and shuffles up the act by performing with various musical instruments and mimicking the styles of traditional stand-up comedians. Burnham returns to his piano for the final 10 minutes, offering musical commentaries about misogyny, gay panic, and fiscal responsibilities.

January 14

Stand-Up Specials: The Kings

January 28

You’re Bacon Me Crazy